My first time meeting Alex in person was when he came down to my London studio for our headshot session. During our brief chat, I had the opportunity to find out a bit more about this amazing actor and about his love of stage-acting as well as his wonderful sense of humour.For his portraits, I wanted to create dramatic lighting, reminiscent of a theatre stage.Here is Alex, during our one-on-one interview:
How did you get into acting?
I guess it started very young. My first performance memory is playing Nathan Detroit at Primary School. I thought I was the next Frank Sinatra. Then I remember singing 'Bad' by Michael Jackson with my Brother at a friends birthday at the age of 11, and I realised, at that point, I was NOT going to be a singer, so stuck to Acting.
When did you start your acting career?
Apart from school productions, my first properly paid job was playing Peter in 'The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe' ...many moons ago!
Who is your favourite director?
Hmm, that's tough. It's a close call between The Coen Brothers, Quentin Tarantino, or Stanley Kubrick. But think The Coens just about win it.
What is your favourite movie and in few words why?
Totally depends on what mood I'm in. But my goto film for an "I'm stuck for what to watch" situation has to be "No Country for Old Men" or "Four Rooms"
What do you think makes a good portrait?
It's all about the eyes. The eyes and the direction of the light.
What would be your dream role as an actor?
Iago in Othello at the Globe Theatre. If I played him and died the next day, I'd die a happy man!
Do you have a favourite photographer, if yes who is it?
Yes. Brian Duffy. He captured the essence of the 60's and 70's without even appearing to try.
What’s your biggest dream, doesn’t have to do anything with acting?
Oh that's easy, to ride a Harley Davidson Fatboy down route 66 in America!
Any advice that you’d give to starting actors?
Don't be afraid to make mistakes, every mistake is a lesson to take to learn. And if you got everything right all the time, you'd never learn.
Is there anything you would change about your career?
Yep, the amount of money I make!
What was your favourite role?
Martin in From Ibiza to the Norfolk Broads.
What was your friend's / family’s reaction when they’ve seen you for the first time on the screen?
After seeing me on the screen at The Roundhouse in Camden, in front of 2,000 people for Suede's Night Thoughts film, kicking off their tour. I think my brother said, "I'm still better looking". Followed by a "well done", but still.
Is there anything about you that someone would never suspect you of, what is it?
Contrary to popular belief, I'm actually really good looking.
Do you have any hobbies outside of acting if yes what are they?
I do love to edit video, I also cycle, when I haven't had my bike stolen, don't ask! Plus I like to DJ too. I used to make money doing it, but now I just don't for the fun.
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment outside of acting?
I trekked across the Himalayas at the age of 16, that was pretty cool.
Who would you like to star alongside of?
Daniel Day-Lewis and Ian McKellen... Without question!
Who is your agent?
I'm represented by The Urban Collective.
Alex’s Agent: Urban Collective
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