Devora Wilde - Headshots
Devora is not only an amazing and beautiful actress but has also co-created her own company, Black Cat Theatre, with her business partner Alex Di Cuffa, which focuses on new writing. After our headshot session, she agreed to one on one interview:
How did you get into acting?
I've always wanted to be an actor. But decided to do something that I thought is more sensible and finished Literature at University and then I did masters in Fashion Journalism. My family is quite medical, they are all doctors, and they said that if I want to be an actor, I can be one but it is always good to have something to fall back on. So I did that, but then I decided that Fashion Journalism wasn't for me. Then I went to drama school and from there I've been doing acting.
When did you start your acting career?
When I finished drama school in 2013.
Who is your agent?
Tom Norcliffe
Who is your favourite director?
That's a hard one. I don't know if I have a favourite director. I would say, Ron Howard or Quentin Tarantino. I like to experience all kinds of different films. I rather appreciate a movie for what it is more than a certain director.
What is your favourite movie?
My favourite film I’ve seen in the past couple of years is “I, Daniel Blake”
What do you think makes a good portrait?
Character, seeing that person for who they are, not just a picture.
What would be your dream role as an actress?
I don't have a specific role in mind but something that you can build on. For example, if it is a series then you have all that episodes where you can develop that character.
What’s your biggest dream, doesn’t have to do anything with acting?
Just to be happy and appreciate life for what it is.
Any advice that you’d give to starting actors?
Be persistent. Keep going.
Is there anything you would change about your career?
No, I think, that you have to make all your mistakes because if it's perfect then you'd be in Hollywood, by now. You got to go through your mistakes to get where you want to be.
What was your friend's / family’s reaction when they’ve seen you for the first time on the screen?
Proud, excited.
What was your favourite role?
They've been few, but the most recently I've done was one of the most interesting was playing a conductor of an orchestra, for a short film that went to Cann this year. It was completely different to anything I've done because the life of this character is so different from mine.
Do you have any hobbies outside of acting?
I like lots of outdoor stuff. I like horse riding, travelling I do a lot of travelling.
Is there anything about you that someone would never suspect you of, what is it?
I think I'm quite funny and when people see me and they think I have a resting-bitch face and they get to know me and then they say, that I'm actually funny. (laugh)
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment outside of acting?
I don't know. I don't see my life as a series of accomplishments. I just try to be in the moment and be happy with what I have. I guess my biggest accomplishment would be to take every day as it comes and enjoy life.
What is Black Cat Theatre?
A Black Theatre Company is a company that I started with my friend Alex. We use fresh pieces that were never performed before. We have different writers, some are from the UK, some are from States, the main theme is millennials, so it is all about the millennial generation, their issues, problems joys they go through. Most of the things that people of that age can relate to.
Is it aimed only at millennials?
You don't have to be a necessary millennial to enjoy the show, most of the shows are focused on issues that we are all dealing now. Our next show is called disconnected and it is focused on social media and technology and our relationships to it. How we can be disconnected from the world because of it. We just take different aspects of our life we feel interesting and that's our theme and then people submit pieces for it.
Our next show is on the 16th of July at The Pleasance Theatre in Islington.
Get your tickets for: The Millenials Disconnected
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