David Schaefer - Headshots
Meeting David was an overwhelming experience, to say the least. His background, just like mine, is in fashion where he has worked with some of the biggest names in the industry.He’s a very tall guy. Standing at around 195cm which should be around 17 foot and 95 inches or something. I don’t know. Point being, the man is tall, very tall.And he’s got a heart of a giant to match his stature. The first thing that struck me, apart from his handsomeness, was how warm and friendly he is. When he visited my London studio to take his headshots he agreed to answer a few questions I prepared for him.Here is David in our one on one interview:
How did you get into acting?
I got into acting it was actually 2014, after seven years of modelling being in the industry learning things in the front of the camera. I wanted a change in my life. I started with a little student film, on my first casting I booked a job, it was crazy, it was almost like a sign for me like that is your purpose. You need to be an actor. And then when I went to Tottenham Court Road and I turned then on a left side on one of the buildings there was a sign saying Film Forever, no joke. It was crazy. how much proof do you want? Then I heard from casting directors, and people: You are born actor not because of the way you look, but because you can portray characters quite real. So that's how I got into acting. Since 2014 and I just love it.
Who is your favourite director?
My favourite director will be Steven Spielberg because his movies are just incredible. Since I started I follow his footsteps.
What is your favourite movie?
I think that my favourite movie is Jurassic Park, I love a lot of movies, that are dramatic. But also not from him but also I love Beautiful Mind, I like when they challenge the brain, what is going on, when you never know ending and stuff.
What do you think makes a good portrait?
I think there should be a realness in the picture. When you see a portrait that catches your eye, are with this person, their face tells a story. Some photographers, like you as well, can capture these moments.
Who is your favourite photographer?
Mario Testino, when I was in fashion I never shot with him personally but I just love his photos.
What would be your dream role as an actor?
It's too late now, but Game of Thrones. But then again if I could play a Marvel Superhero or a villain, I get so many villain roles because of my height and my look, strong features I wouldn't say no to play alongside Chris Hemsworth?
What’s your biggest dream?
It’s so I can provide for my family, to be in a position to say “hey let’s just go for six months and travel and relax”. I don't say money is everything, but it makes things easier. But I always give something back, because there was a time in my life when I got help from people and I believe it is all about balance. The universe is in balance, you give and you take.
Any advice that you’d give to starting actors?
Believe in yourself, because if you don't believe in yourself nobody will. From my point of view, hitting 34 this year, I heard a lot of nos in my life. Just never believe what people say, if you really want to do something you'll always find a way to make it happen. And work daily, work hard every day on your craft.
Is there anything about you that someone would never suspect you of, what is it?
There is, if you ask my friends they would tell you that I have a shy side. That means I can be confident and in our business, you have to be confident when it comes to booking jobs or gigs. But I'm shy when I like somebody. When I approach a beautiful woman, I want to say something but words are not coming out, so I am shy.
Is there anything you would change about your career?
If I could go back seven years I'd like to start acting straight away, because I believe that starting in your thirties was a little bit late. But then you have people who started in their 40ies and make it great in nice movies. That's something that I would probably change, I'd focus more on acting than on fashion.
So how is it different for you as for an actor to work in the UK?
In my latest movie, I played a German corporal. I wouldn't say that you are typecasted, but you are foreign, you play foreign roles. I don't have that 100% American accent yet so they cannot put me in an American role, but I'm gonna work on that.
Why did you choose the UK to work?
I came from Switzerland and was always away from home when I was modelling in LA, Panama, Guatemala. There were so many places where I was living and I'm so blessed to have lived there, but at the same time, I was at home just once for Christmas. Now I can fly home tomorrow and say “mum I'm coming home tomorrow” and visit them for dinner. But then again, loyalty, the UK was giving me loyalty. Here I found an agent, I found a drama school, I have many friends surrounding me, so why would I leave?
Do you have any hobbies outside of acting?
Boxing, martial arts, I love singing and nature. Nature is a big part, I love going to the parks and meditation to keep me zen.
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment outside of acting?
It was my Men's Health cover I shot in 2010 in Malaysia Kuala Lumpur. It was my first Men's Health cover which is the biggest magazine you can have. And I didn't know, but when I came back to Switzerland, the media were there, people wanted to have interviews with me. It's amazing how such a cover can change your life for a while, but then people forget again. That's why I say you shouldn't make it, you should maintain it. It means that now as an actor I want to be great all the time not just in one movie and then in the next one they will say “who is he?”. That's why I'm studying at Identity School of Acting.
Who would you like to star alongside?
With Leonardo DiCaprio, because I love his movies and I think that he has a brilliant career. Or Tom Hardy. Or as I said earlier, Chris Hemsworth. But we do not know what the future brings. So I'll be happy if I’ll do what I do and people will like it.
Who is your agent?
My agent now is Reflections Talent Agency, it is the amazing agency. My agent is Emily Maguire.
David’s Agent: Reflections Talent Agency
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