Diana Bermudez - Headshots
Ever since I read Teachings of Don Juan I became fascinated by Native American culture; their mysticism and beliefs.Later, I discovered how advanced their culture was before it was devastated by western invaders. I never imagined I would be able to photograph an indigenous person even in a multicultural city like London until one day I met the amazing Diana Bermudez.She is incredibly proud of her roots and wanted us to create a set of portraits that would convey a feeling of her ancestry. After our portrait session, she was happy to answer a few questions that I prepared for her.

How did you get into acting?
When I was around ten years old, my teacher put me into a musical theatre project. At first, I hated it, and then I got a lead part, and when I finished it, I realise how much I had loved the whole experience. So I just continued with drama projects throughout school and into college never actually believing I could be an actress. I worked mainly in education, but I always came back to acting. Then I finally decided to go to drama school and here I am five years later.
When did you start your acting career?
The year after I graduated. I decided to give this a chance with everything I had, so I gave up everything, I invested a hundred per cent into acting, and that was 2013.
Who is your agent?
Michele Sykes at Mondi Associates, who is brilliant, she is the best agent I've had. I think it's so important to have an agent who listens, who you can communicate to and who understands you.

Who is your favourite director?
At the moment I really love Steve Mcqueen. I find his work so fascinating. I also like Barry Jenkins and Damien Chazzelle - they all have interesting films coming out next Oscar season, so I'm looking forward to seeing them.
What is your favourite movie?
Probably I'm going to say LaLaLand because when I watched it, I connected with it so much, it really spoke to my journey as an actor. I loved it.
What do you think makes a good portrait?
Lighting, and being able to sense the mood and the feeling of the portrait, so not just that it looks pretty, but also captures a feeling.
What would be your dream role as an actress?
I don't have any specific dream role, but I think for me as an actress of colour I really want to play strong female lead who is not defined by any stereotypes.
What’s your biggest dream, doesn’t have to do anything with acting?
I'd love to go to indigenous parts of America and see the amazing things that my ancestors created like going to Machu Pichu. To see those things is very important to me.
Any advice that you’d give to starting actors?
You cannot be in it for the fame, because people who stay in the industry, after all the rejections and hardships are the people who are passionate about acting, they love what they are doing. I'm so happy to be able to call this my job.
Is there anything you would change about your career?
I want to say no because I think everything I've done and every step I've taken, and every step back I've taken has led me to where I am today. I think that as a human being I'm in a really happy place right now with what I'm doing.
Has anyone recognised you on the street? What happened?
(laugh) Yes because I did this amazing show call Valiant? It was quite a powerful piece of theatre; it was mainly other actors who recognise me and said: -"Oh I saw you in that show."
What was your favourite role?
It was a role in this show that we took to Edinburg called Valliant. I played three different
roles, a Northern Irish woman, an American Stewardess and a Filipino Guerilla fighter. It
was very challenging to do the accents perfectly. I was telling real stories from real
women who had survived wars. For me, it was an amazing experience, telling their stories
and connecting to their journeys and being able to share that with everyone. The
feedback we got was just incredible.
Do you have any hobbies outside of acting if yes what are they?
Food, (laugh) I love food, and I love discovering new cuisines and going to cooking classes.
I'm not the best cook in the world, but I really enjoy it. The flavours.
Is there anything about you that someone would never suspect you of, what is it?
My friend once told me “I'm surprised that you’re not obese because you eat so
But like I said I have a passion for food, so it all makes sense.
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment outside of acting?
Graduating, because I'm the first person on my mum's side of the family who
graduated, so it is definitely a huge accomplishment.
Who would you like to star alongside of?
Gina Rodriguez who is the star of Jane the Virgin, because I follow her on social media and
she is very outspoken, fights for South American and Latino representation on screen. And
she’s a great actress!
Diana’s Agent: Mondi Associates
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