Katrina Grey - Headshots
Who is Katrina Grey? A director, an actress, a writer, a producer? Well, she is all of the above, but the more natural way to describe her is - pure talent. As expected, she is very busy with her projects. She just finished her debut movie as a director - Daytime Nightmare, to be released next year.But even with such a full-on schedule, she found time to give me a short interview:

How did you get into acting?
Since I was a little girl, I was doing theatre in my home country Slovakia. Later in high school, I was studying in Mexico where I was doing musicals, and after high school, I started to do modelling, tv commercials and movies. Since then I do nothing else but acting. Recently I started to write my own scripts. Now finished my first movie called Daytime Nightmare which I produced, directed and acted as the main actress. The movie should be finished by the end of 2018 and will be ready to go to festivals. I also just finished the second script that I want to produce soon and afterwards four more scripts in development.
When did you start your acting career?
I would say I started full time in 2013 when I arrived in Thailand and had a taste of how it is working on Hollywood movies. My first movie was All I see is you directed by Marc Forster.
Who is your agent?
Currently, my agency is ML International Talent.
Who is your favourite director?
James Cameron, Steven Spielberg, Peter Jackson and Alfred Hitchcock are my top directors. I love sci-fi, fantasy and horror. My dream is to be in one of those high budget movies.
What would be your dream role as an actress?
An Elf or human in fantasy movie similar to The Hobbit movie, a soldier in sci-fi movie exploring the universe on a spaceship, a double agent in Bond movie, soldier or agent in a battle action movie.
What do you think makes a good portrait?
A good photographer and natural model.
What’s your biggest dream, doesn’t have to do anything with acting?
Well, my biggest dream is movies related. I want to be acting in high budget sci-fi and fantasy movies as the leading actress and also directing them. But generally be happy, have my own house with garden, fulfilling life and travel the world.
Any advice that you’d give to starting actors?
If you want to achieve anything, give it your best at all times and work hard, keep improving all your skills and craft. Do everything by yourself, don’t expect anybody to give you anything for free. Give respect to everybody and always remember those who helped you and help them back when you can. Acting is a lifelong carrier where you have to improve yourself constantly.
Is there anything you would change about your career?
I would not change anything at this point. I am happy with what I do. I enjoy writing, acting, directing.
How is it different for you as a foreign actor to work in the UK?
I don’t feel any difference. People are the same everywhere in the world.
Why did you choose the UK to work?
I did not choose it; it chose me. My path and career took me here. I got an agent here and also finishing post-production of my directorial debut Daytime Nightmare.
What was your friend's / family’s reaction when they’ve seen you for the first time on the screen?
They were proud of me and still are every time they see me. They support me a lot which I am grateful for.
What was your favourite role?
My favourite role is in my movie Daytime Nightmare. But the most favourite is in my upcoming script that I am working on right now.
Do you have any hobbies outside of acting if yes what are they?
Yes, I like reading books, watching movies, travelling. I write scripts, and I have two little teacup Pomeranians.
Is there anything about you that someone would never suspect, what is it?
Maybe that I have a bachelor degree in economics and beginning of the next year going be hopefully finishing a master degree.
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment outside of acting?
That I can survive in this world (laugh). I think that I am still the same normal person as I used to be and that I have my good friends and family close to me that support me.
Who would you like to star in a movie with?
Leonardo Dicaprio- that is my biggest dream. Also Will Smith, Anthony Hopkins and Johnny Depp.
Katrina’s Agent: ML International Talent Agency
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